Minggu, 06 Desember 2009


GEMOLONG - On Saturday noon (5/9), a very hot day, Mbah wagiyem walked slowly with wobbly step to SBBS (Sragen Bilingual Boarding School) Gemolong. The diabetes illness suffered by him slower his step. He gripped a coupon with his name written on it. The inhabitant of Kwangen, Gemolong is one of 1250 people live in Gemolong, Plupuh, Kalijambe and Tanon that will be given Sembako Packages distributed by KImse Yok Mu Foundation from Turkey.

The amount of the packages is 150.000 rupiahs/ each. Mbah Wagiyem was deeply thankful of this gift that will lessen her daily need in celebrating Lebaran Day. “everything is expensive now, Alhamdulillah this donation can help me” she said.

In the presence of Sragen Regent H Untung Wiyono and the staffs, representatives of Kimse Yok Mu Foundation handed over the donation symbolically. As explained by SBBS Manager Husayin Kan, Kimse YOk MU is a foundation that coordinated the tithe collecting of all Turkish to be distributed to their relatives throughout the world. This year, this foundation distributed tithe to about 30 countries including Indonesia.

In the same occasion, The Regent sent his gratitude of the concern of Turkish to Sragen especially. This is the implementation of social awareness, one of personality development. He urged that giving Sedekah/donation will tighten the solidarity and unity between the citizens of two countries.

The Regent also expressed his longing for Indonesia to follow the step of Turkey in developing its country. Indonesia is hoped to be able to play a role not only as the receiver but later to be benefactor to those unfortunate needy (peppy translated by ryan)

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:nangis :rate :lebay :hoax :nyimak :hotnews :gotkp :wow :pertamax :lapar :santai :malu :ngintip :newyear

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