Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Kyai Langgeng Park

Kyai Langgeng Park located at the western part of Magelang, and occupying land of about 19 hectares, with the tranquility of a rural atmosphere, is easily accessible as it lies only about 1 km from the center of the town. Convenient public transport brings the tourist there, leaving town life behind to go back to nature
Built by the local government of Magelang Municipality and opened its gate to the public in 1987, Kyai Langgeng Park now provides of many kinds collection of rare plants from all over Indonesia, collection of dinosaurs statues, fishing pond, traffic gardens, aquariums, green house, swimming pool, open air theater, large cages of various kinds of tropical birds, various kinds of animals from the bigger to the smaller ones, arena for go-carts, a river for canoeing and wild water surfing, restaurants, souvenir shops, tropical fruit market, indoor tennis court, hotel and many other things to see, to do and to enjoy.


The interesting place to see is Baturaden, located 15 km north of Purwokerto. Baturaden is a classical highland country in the foot of Gunung Slamet volcano. Central Java's outstanding resort is approximately 14 km north of Purwokerto. It occupies a fine site on the slope of Mount Slamet, at an elevation of 650 m above sea level. It has remarkable weather with a cool mountain breeze. The temperature ranges from 18 degree C to 25 degree C. The resort area is surrounded by nice gardens, hot springs, ponds and bungalow-style hotels. Other features include 200 ha of pine forest, a nearby market and marvelous views. Some European groups are known to spend a day trekking through its Splendid Natural Forest and Villages. Always green, the area is blessed with an abundance of natural water resources spouting out in numerous waterfalls and rivers, which flow between the huge boulders of hardened lava. The huge boulders also points out to Ravines and river bank and form some kind of path, apparently having rolled down from Mount Slamet during a eruption many centuries ago.


Tawangmangu is located 40 km east of Solo, this recreational resort offers fresh weather; scenic views, swimming pools, bungalow style hotels and restaurants. Tawangmangu, a mountain resorts at an elevation of almost 1 km above sea level, which promises a cool escape from the city's heat. It lies on the slopes of Mt., Lawu, at an elevation of 1300 m above sea level. A cool splendid hill resort also on the slope of mount Lawu, at about 1400 M height above sea level. The road from Solo via Karangpandan is a fine trip thru magnificent green terraced hills. Tawangmangu has all kind of facilities, hotel, camping ground, forest tourism, etc. The climate is fresh and one can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Other features include nearby temples, a national park and 40m in high waterfall of Grojogan Sewu.

Bledug Kuwu

Bledug Kuwu is one of tourist attractions in Wirosari area in Grobogan Region, Purwodadi, Central Java. Bledug Kuwu is a local name for something that burst in pool. This is rather strange pool that far from volcano. The vapor burst came from carbon dioxide release. The temperature is mild. Visitors might experience a stunning natural occurrence of small, frequent bursts from mud crate with a sound resembling a mount eruption. This natural phenomenon is resulted from geothermal motion inside the earth bed. Witness said that a big burst could even create small quakes that quiver the area.


Klaten is the capital of regency, which thrives on the sugar industry. Klaten Regency occupies an area of 655,56 square kilometers and consists of 26 districts and more than 401 villages. Many pilgrims visit the grave of Sunan Bayat (one of the nine early Islamic preachers). In Klaten there is also the Sugar Museum, which is much visited by the people of Klaten Regency and its surroundings. Klaten was chosen as a manufacturing site because it is a traditional center for woodcarving and craftsmanship. The royal courts of Solo and Jogjakarta employed the forebears of some of the skilled workers at Alis Jaya in Dutch colonial times when artistic patronage by rulers was a vital part of local culture.


Karimunjawa is and island chain stretching in a northwesterly direction 83 km from Jepara. Central Java. This archipelago is a cluster of 27 islands in the java sea. Only seven of the islands are inhabited. The reefs are a mixture of fringing, barrier, and patch with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters. The name of Karimunjawa is taken from Javanese language 'Kremun kremun saking tanah Jawi' addressed by one of Wali Songo (the Nine Saints who had introduced Islam in Java) to describe how far this mini archipelago from Java, to be exact from Semarang and Jepara. Stands from 27 islands, this mini archipelago became marine national park and it's like a treasure for those who love marine life. Here can be found protected coral reefs (very colorful plateaus and plains in deep and shallow waters), secluded and tranquil white beaches, pelican and hornbill, sea grass and kinds of sea creatures, from crabs, anchovy, starfish, sharks, stingray, jellyfish, red snappers, etc.


Salatiga is located about 40 km south of Semarang to Solo under Merbabu Mountain. Salatiga is a small city in Central Java. A city of students and retirement, it has been known since the Dutch occupation era to be a city of relaxation because of its cool relaxing temperature. About 40% of its 150,000 residences are students of three private universities in the city. This 600 m medium sized provincial town, lying on the slope of Merbabu has a hill station feel. The Satyawacana University is in the City. Near by the city, Rawapening tranquil lake with beautiful scenery is a popular picnic spot. Salatiga is a hidden town. It must have been desperation for its citizens: always shadowed by the immensity of its surroundings, but never had the chance to be alike. Yet in hiding, away from the ignorant eyes of the world, beauty blooms here. It blooms in silence, and never asks for attention.

(Sumber: http://www.indonesia-tourism.com)

Bengawan Solo River

This longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to its mouth nearby Surabaya, on the Java sea. Regretfully, the river is now shallow it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north cost of East Java. It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area. It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya. In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others.


Sangiran is located 15 km from Surakarta. It is a village located 17 Km north of Solo, on the road to Purwodadi. It is an important place for Pithecanthropus Erectus, the pre-historic Java man. It is fossilized land of prehistoric living things. The Pleistocene Museum keeps some skills of the erectus, fossils of plants and animals. Sangiran and other places such as Wajak (near Tulungangung) and Trinil (near Ngawi) are significant places for human evolution/theory. It is interesting place for scientific tourism in the field of geology, anthropology and archeology. Many experts came to this site to do some research and study among other; Van Es (1939), Duyfyes (1936), Van Bemmelen (1937), Van Koeningswald (1938), Sartono (1960), Suradi (1962) and Otto Sudarmaji (1976). Van Koeningswald said that more than five different types of hominoid fossils have been found in Sangiran, it was incredible. There is no other place in the world like Sangiran. The Sangiran fossils are very various, they were earth as well as sea fossils. There was a possibility that island of Java was erected from the bottom of sea million years ago.


GEMOLONG - On Saturday noon (5/9), a very hot day, Mbah wagiyem walked slowly with wobbly step to SBBS (Sragen Bilingual Boarding School) Gemolong. The diabetes illness suffered by him slower his step. He gripped a coupon with his name written on it. The inhabitant of Kwangen, Gemolong is one of 1250 people live in Gemolong, Plupuh, Kalijambe and Tanon that will be given Sembako Packages distributed by KImse Yok Mu Foundation from Turkey.

The amount of the packages is 150.000 rupiahs/ each. Mbah Wagiyem was deeply thankful of this gift that will lessen her daily need in celebrating Lebaran Day. “everything is expensive now, Alhamdulillah this donation can help me” she said.

In the presence of Sragen Regent H Untung Wiyono and the staffs, representatives of Kimse Yok Mu Foundation handed over the donation symbolically. As explained by SBBS Manager Husayin Kan, Kimse YOk MU is a foundation that coordinated the tithe collecting of all Turkish to be distributed to their relatives throughout the world. This year, this foundation distributed tithe to about 30 countries including Indonesia.